Marrow "Ortolana di Faenza" (Zucchini squash)
Zucchini squash "Ortolana di Faenza" (marrow). Mid-season variety: 40-48 days from germination to maturity. The plant is bushy, densely leafy, powerful. Fruits are elongated-cylindrical, light green with white specks, 35-45 cm long, weigh..
Marshmallow (wymote, mortification root)
Marshmallow "Healer" (mortification root) - Althaea officinalis. It is used as a mild expectorant (especially in children's practice), an anti-inflammatory agent for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, gastri..
Mayweed (Wild сhamomile)
2.62€ 1.57€
Wild сhamomile (Mayweed) - Matricaria chamomilla = Matricaria recutita. An annual plant. Stem erect, strongly branched, 30-60 cm high. Leaves 2-5 cm long, doubly pinnately dissected into narrow filiform segments, alternate, sessile. The fl..
Melon "Charentais"
2.01€ 1.20€
Cantaloupe melon "Charentais" - Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis. Demanding for heat and humidity. Harvested after 70-90 days after planting the seedlings. Round fruits, grey green skin, weight about 800 - 900 grams. Flesh is orange, ..
Melon "Giallo Da Inverno"
1.64€ 0.98€
Melon "Giallo Da Inverno". Mid-season variety with sweet, sugary fruits, intended for cultivation in film greenhouses. Plants are distinguished by vigorous growth, long-leaved, large. Fruits are round-elliptical with a yellow rind. The p..
Melon "Pele de Sapo"
1.46€ 0.87€
Melon "Pele de Sapo" is a late variety. Late-ripening variety (80-95 days from germination to maturity). It is intended for cultivation in film greenhouses. Plants are characterized by powerful growth, long climbing, large. Fruits wei..
Melon "Retato degli ortolani" (bio)
Melon "Retato degli ortolani" (ecological seeds). * Melon. An annual plant. Heat-, light- and moisture-loving. The optimum temperature for the growth and development of melons is + 25 + 35 ° С. It is grown only through seedlings, wh..
Mexican creeping zinnia "Orange"
Mexican creeping zinnia "Orange". Санвиталия распростёртая — Sanvitalia procumbens Lam. Растение невысокое (до 20 см) с сильноветвящимися полустелющимися побегами и мелкими шершавыми листьями. Разрастаясь, образует пышный подушков..
Mini Margueritte "Snow Daisy"
Snow Daisy - Chrysanthemum paludosum = Leucanthemum paludosum = Hymenostemma paludosum. Beautiful undersized chrysanthemum with abundant flowering. A plant with a straight, branched habit, 15-20 cm high. The leaves are gray-green, two-pinnate ..
Mix of tall flowers (annuals + perennials)
A mixture of unpretentious, tall flowers (annual and perennial). This mixture contains unpretentious plants for garden decoration and well as for creating bright bouquets that do not fade in water for a long time. The mixture is formulated in such ..
Mixture of dwarf annual and perennial plants for Balcony
Decorative mixture of undersized plants for decoration of terraces and balconies. An excellent combination of annuals and perennials to create a lush balcony or terrace. Harmonious coloration and compact growth (up to 50 cm) characterize the selecte..
Morning glory "Imperial" (mix)
Morning glory "Imperial" (mix). Curly annual. Height 250-300 cm. Flower diameter 5-8 cm. In the "sea" of green foliage, its luxurious gramophones flare up with bright lights. Flowering is very abundant and long (until late autumn..
Morocco toadflax "Cordoba" (Baby Snapdragon)
Baby Snapdragon (Morocco Toadflax) "Cordoba" - Linaria bipartita. A charming annual that blooms two months after sowing. Toadflax flowers resemble a snapdragon in miniature. A wide range of colors from white to cherry and purple in al..
Musk pumpkin "Hubbard Large Blue"
Musk pumpkin "Hubbard Large Blue" - Cucurbita moschata L. Late-ripening variety (110-115 days from full germination to harvest). The plant is of a semi-bush type, short-leaved. The fruits are turbid, segmented, weighing 3.5-5.8 kg. The co..
Musk pumpkin "Lunga di Napoli"
Musk pumpkin "Lunga di Napoli". High-yielding medium-late variety of butternut squash: the period from full germination to fruit ripening is 105-110 days. Fruits are cylindrical, dark green with light spotting, smooth. The pulp is bright..
Mustard sprouts (seeds for germination)
BIO Mustard. Sprouts are seeds that have germinated and started growing, but have not matured into mature plants. Seeds of alfalfa, clover, beans, radishes and mustard are commonly germinated, but many other types of seeds are used for germination..
Nasturtium climbing "Mahagony Gleam"
Climbing nasturtium "Mahagony gleam" - Tropaeolum majus. An abundance of double flowers. Semi-creeping shoots up to 1.5 m long. Flowers with a pleasant aroma. Blooms profusely from July until frost. Used for vertical gardening..
Nasturtium climbing "Out of Africa" (mix with variegated leaves)
Climbing nasturtium "Out of Africa" (colour mix). Nasturtium plants are good for healing garden soil from fungal diseases. The sunny and joyful shades of nasturtium inflorescences are complemented by the emerald green color of the foliage..
Nasturtium low "Bijou Double" (mix)
Low nasturtium "Bijou Double" (mix). A variety with variegated leaves. The bush is compact, erect, up to 30 cm high. It blooms profusely from July to October. Used for curbs, ridges, slope shelters, balcony boxes. Agrotechnics. The plan..
Nasturtium low "Princess of India"
Low nasturtium "Princess of India". Contrast of bright colors and dark foliage! Variety with a scarlet flower and dark green leaves with a reddish tint. A low plant up to 20 cm in height. It blooms profusely from June to October. Used for..
Nasturtium low "Tom Pouce" (mix)
Nasturtium low "Tom Pouce" (mix). A fast-growing annual 30 cm high with round corymbose leaves. It blooms with spiny, short-tubular flowers from yellow-orange to bright red. Flowers are also known as unconventional and are used as a garnis..
Nigella "Duo mix" (bordo+green)
Nigella "Duo mix" ("Cramers Plum Bordeaux" + "Albion Green Pod") - Nigella damascena L.  Homeland: Crimea, Caucasus, Mediterranean. The plant is an annual herbaceous plant. Stems erect, branchi..
Onion "Di Genova"
1.76€ 1.06€
Hibernal onion "Di Genova". Mid-early variety: 91-105 days from germination to mass lodging of leaves. The bulb is round-flat, weighing 60-80 g. The colour of dry scales is dark red with a purple tint, and juicy scales - are red-white. T..
Onion "Karminka"
2.13€ 1.28€
Violet onion "Karminka". Type: Spring. Days since sowing: 120. Fruit weight: up to 90 g. 1 gram = 250-400 seeds. Oval and beautiful dark purple bulb! The variety is semi-hot, mid-season. Dry scales are purple, while juicy scales..
Onion "Klaria"
1.58€ 0.95€
Hibernal 0nion "Klaria". Small-celled, two-, three-pronged. Productivity up to 1.2-1.6 kg / m2. Features of agricultural technology: For open ground. For cultivation in annual and biennial crops. Ripening terms: Mid-season, vegetation ..
Showing 201 to 225 of 378 (16 Pages)